Call of Duty:  Blood, Gore, Language, 18+

Call of Duty advertises their games this way.

“Blood and Gore.  Intense Violence, Strong  Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs”

This first-person shooter video game, out in 2003, initially focused on games set in World War II.   Time brought the environment of the Cold War.  Then, it evolved into futuristic worlds and the modern day battle-field.

Call of Duty, a Violent Game, is Highly Addictive.  My son moved back to Tallahassee at 18, extremely addicted to this game.  He became involved with tech work and sales, and later school, maybe playing 2 or 3 hours at night. 

Joel moved 13 months later to Oklahoma for a promised “really good job”.  The boss, his online friend, said he could live with him free, since the company paid for a 2 bedroom house for him. 

The company downsized 6 weeks later.  He fell back into his gaming habits, except this time, he went extreme.  He played this game and the World of Warcraft, according to Chris, his roommate, “about 75-80 hours over 4 days, before he took his life. 

A 14 year old kid in Canada, was playing online with him.  When Joel said he was depressed about the job situation and girlfriend breakup, this kid encouraged him for almost an hour, to take his life.  Remember Joel, you can come back with another life instantly, we do this all the time.  (I have the police transcripts)  I saw Joel somewhat lose himself in those two games.  With no parental influence nor monitoring, he lost himself. 

Most want to play in the Virtual World, being plugged in, online, with others from around the world.  This game has many offshoots and versions, all violent, unrelenting, and as lifelike as the current technology allows. 

You are encouraged to partner with others around the world, to win various skirmishes and small battles.  

This means that the Laptop/Desktop/iPad that is being used to facilitate these extreme war games is essentially plugged into a server that could be anywhere, Germany, China, Brussels.  

You can see the dangers this Game Offers.  They show discernment drawing in today’s youth by their graphic advertisement.  This is Vital to Emphasize.  Today’s youth is drawn to these themes. 

Blood and Gore. Intense Violence, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs

Remember, you can turn off graphic content like blood and some bad language in the General menu and specify whether to exclude Text Chat, Filter Profanity and turn off Dismemberment & Gore Effects.

Violence and Gore:  Call of Duty games are known for their intense violence, blood, and gore.  These graphic depictions can desensitize players to real-world violence and may not be suitable for younger audiences.

Strong language and suggestive themes:  The game often includes strong language and suggestive themes.  There usually are not appropriate for children, it may expose them to mature content at an early age.

Online interactions with strangers:  Call of Duty encourages players to engage in online multiplayer modes, which can expose them to live contact with strangers. This can lead to potential risks, such as interacting with individuals who may have malicious intentions or engaging in inappropriate conversations.

Mature content:  The game includes elements of sex, drugs, drinking, smoking, and other mature themes.  These aspects may not be suitable for younger players and can influence their perception and behavior.

Call of Duty games provide a highly immersive gaming experience with realistic graphics and intense action sequences.  Players enjoy the excitement and challenge of first-person shooter games.

The multiplayer interaction offers the opportunity to connect and play with other players worldwide.  Social interactions and teamwork skills are challenged when playing with friends or participating in organized competitions.

The continuous gameplay, reward systems, and competitive nature of the game, reaches a tsunami addiction level.

Excessive gaming habits affects all other aspects of life, such as academics, relationships, and physical health.

Parents, please consider this game’s very intense, violent nature, and the potential risks, before allowing your children to play.  Monitoring and discussing gameplay with your children is wise.  Do set limits with screen time, encourage responsible gaming habits, and focus upon developing their “Filter Systems”.

Controls and options:  Call of Duty games typically provide customizable controls and options to adjust the gameplay experience.  Players can often modify settings related to violence, language, and graphic content.  However, these settings may not completely eliminate all of the mature content.  Players should exercise caution when making these adjustments.

Because of the Exposure Level of Call of Duty, I was asked to explain this game, and some of the others.  The options, objectives, strategies, as it was felt that by understanding the game from their children’s perspective, could be of assistance when they discuss these games.  This one was especially challenging, with my son’s addiction to it. 

Each game in the series has its own unique features, yet here’s a general guide on how to play Call of Duty, along with strategies, objectives, and information about the newer series:

Basic Gameplay:

Single-Player Campaign:  The single-player campaign offers a story-driven experience where you embark on a military-themed adventure.  Follow the narrative, complete missions, and engage in intense combat scenarios.

Multiplayer Mode:  In multiplayer, you compete against other players online or locally.  Players can play various game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy, and others.  The objective is to score points by eliminating opponents, capturing objectives, or completing specific tasks.

Cooperative Mode:  Some Call of Duty games feature cooperative modes where you can team up with friends to complete missions or face off against waves of AI-controlled enemies.

Controls and Mechanics:

Movement:  They use the WASD keys (or console controller) to move their character.  Familiarize yourself with the controls for actions like sprinting, crouching, and prone positions.

Shooting and Combat:  Use the weapons to engage in combat.  Aim down sights, shoot, and reload your weapons.  Each game may have different weapon handling mechanics and recoil patterns, so this game encourages practice to improve their accuracy.

Perks and Loadouts:  Players can customize their loadout by selecting weapons, attachments, equipment, and perks.  Perks provide unique abilities or bonuses that can enhance your gameplay.  They can experiment with different loadouts to find a playstyle that suits them.

Scorestreaks and Killstreaks: By earning points through kills, captures, or other achievements, they get to unlock powerful rewards called scorestreaks, or killstreaks.  These can include airstrikes, UAVs, drones, and other supportive or offensive abilities.

Strategies and Tips:

Map Awareness:  Players should familiarize themselves with the layout of each map. Learn key areas, routes, and potential ambush spots to gain an advantage over your opponents.

Teamwork:  Coordinate with your teammates to achieve objectives and secure victories. Communication and cooperation are key to success in team-based game modes.

Objective-Based Gameplay:  In game modes like Domination or Search and Destroy, focus on capturing and defending objectives or planting and defusing bombs.  Playing the objective can greatly contribute to your team’s success.

Map Control:  Control key areas of the map to gain a tactical advantage.  Use cover effectively, flank your opponents, and utilize sightlines to outmaneuver and outgun them.

Class Roles:  In multiplayer, different players can take on specific roles, such as assault, support, or sniper. Experiment with different playstyles and find a role that complements your strengths.

Learn from Experience:  Each game offers a progression system that rewards experience and unlocks new weapons, attachments, and abilities. As you play, you’ll gain experience, improve your skills, and unlock new content.

Newer Series:

Battle Royale Mode:  Games like Call of Duty: Warzone incorporate a massive, last-player-standing battle royale mode where you fight against other players in a shrinking play zone.

Cross-platform Play:  Many newer Call of Duty games support cross-platform play, allowing players on different platforms to compete against each other

Operator Abilities:  Some games feature unique operator abilities that offer tactical advantages or special abilities for players to utilize during gameplay

Remember, Call of Duty games offer a range of experiences and playstyles.  It has many different modes someone can experiment with various loadouts.

Parents, grandparents, guardians, carefully consider the game’s content, age recommendations, and potential risks before allowing your children to play.  Monitoring and discussing gameplay with your children, setting limits on screen time, and encouraging responsible gaming habits. can help mitigate some of the potential dangers associated with this game.

Throughout this website, it is stated over and over: Seek Mental Health Specialists.  Understand, Monitor, and Communicate with your children about these games and apps.  Certain ones should not be played.  Teach your children about the dangers of online games and apps.