Donations by check make out to Your Children's World, mail to 2888 Kilkierane Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32309. Include email. Tax ID 93-3034335. Notes-1-The Credit Card button below is for both, Debit and Credit Card. (The $19 significance is Joel's age when he died) 2-Under donation amount, you can click the down arrow and put 0 (zero) where says other, to not pay any fee above the donation amount.
Welcome to Your Children’s World Inc. a 501c3
WE ARE DEDICATED to saving lives and ensuring parents, grandparents, and guardians of youth have un-biased information about the inherent dangers of social media apps and video games that affect our youth every day.
OUR WEBSITE IS a one-stop place for parental apps and gaming guidelines, current information about addictive social media apps and video games used by our youth and information for local mental health resources.
Your generous donations will enable us to:
- CONDUCT SEMINARS for parents and youth with science and fact based strategies to develop healthy technology habits.
- KEEP RESOURCES updated for parents, grandparents, and caregivers of youth available nation-wide.
- EXPAND LISTINGS for cities and states including each city's local mental health professionals.
- EDUCATE PARENT by keeping them aware of the potential dangers of the Virtual World where our youth reside.
- MAINTAINING OUR advisory board of mental health professionals who help provide guidelines and input on chart ratings and all new content.