Embrace the journey ahead, both the excitement of the future and the wisdom of the past.                              Yet remember this, “What lies before you, and what lies behind you, should be of little concern to what lies within you.”  Emerson
What is within, our perseverance, enthusiasm, curiosity,  focus, awareness, attitude, playfulness, has been developed through early years of your environment.  This environment consists of your family, relatives, where you live, how you are treated, loved, even challenged and encouraged.  It can include financial status as well as the smaller triumphs and failures you experience along with your exposure to learning.   
It has been studied and written about numerous times, that as much as 85 to 90% of your personality traits will be developed by the time you are five years old. 
This does not mean you will not continue to grow in knowledge, unique experiences and situations.  Your filter system though will have an established foundation sort of like the trunk of a tree.

It has also been said, that you are the same person 5 years from now, outside the books you read and the people you meet.  Through this exposure, your growth in knowledge, accelerates far more quickly than ones who read little, and meets few people.  Remember that knowledge is a forerunner of understanding and wisdom. 




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